Well, it's not that important really, I think. She's too young to know anything and to enjoy the company. But on the other hand, it would be nice to have one as certain close relatives and friends are expecting it. You see, we didn't organise her a full moon birthday celebration when she reached 1 month old earlier. If we were to follow the Chinese tradition strictly, it's a must-have occasion. The traditional Chinese will distribute a full moon food set as a gift to relatives and friends to herald the new addition to the family. This is also to thank them and show appreciation to those who joined in this special occasion one way or another. For those of you who do not know what I'm talking about, here is the picture of the gift set.

Anyway, many modern Chinese parents don't practise giving this full moon set anymore. Too much a hassle. Many have started distributing KFC meal vouchers instead! Or organise a buffet dinner...
So, this time around.... should we or should we not? It's just around the corner and we are still contemplating! "Biasalah" (getting used to it in Malay)... It gives us that andrenalin rush perhaps...? Errr... on a second thought, I think my hubby would probably regard it as blood pressure killer!
So, this time around.... should we or should we not? It's just around the corner and we are still contemplating! "Biasalah" (getting used to it in Malay)... It gives us that andrenalin rush perhaps...? Errr... on a second thought, I think my hubby would probably regard it as blood pressure killer!
Have! Have! Have!
I would say To Have would be better then not to have one!
Happy Birthday to the little one.
Have a great day.
thank you so much for all your feedback! yeah, will have one for her, finally...! a small gathering for close relatives and friends..OMG, it's Friday d!
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