Hooray! I registered a business name for my family food product last Friday at Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia (Companies Commission of Malaysia) located in Seberang Jaya, Penang! It's called Treelah Gourmet Enterprise. Strange name but I have my long-term plan why it's named such. Haha.
The registration process was simple and quite hassle-free. The officers were friendly and very helpful. The signboard says that the process will take approximately 1-2 hours but I was done in less than an hour. And that includes getting the form from the office, filling up the form, lining up to wait for my turn to meet with Customer Service office to search the availability of my business name proposed, filling up the confirmed business name by another officer, lining up to take a number for payment, waiting time, paying the registration fee, waiting time and collecting my business registration certificate.
For now, I registered it under Sole Proprietorship. And it only cost me RM70 per annum!
So, want to start your own business and get it registered too?
Wow... a capable & gorgeous businesswoman :)
Thanks! This is just the beginning. Many more things awaiting to be executed. One-man show is certainly not that easy...
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