Saturday, November 1, 2008

No "moi" but what about cereal?

Haiyah... she didn't want cereal too! Look at how little portion I made for her this afternoon...

And instead, she went for this non-edible item! Her teether

"Mommy, do you want to bite this too?"

Hmmm.... it's been several days now that she didn't want her "moi". Probably she's bored d. So, we thought we will make different food for her. Yesterday, I made her steamed sweet potatoes. She didn't want it either though I personally think that it was very tasty. Yup, I ate it in the end... And today, cereal "pun tak mau" (don't want too)...

Let's try "moi" again tomorrow. Will make it a smaller portion so that it didn't go to waste if she again doesn't want to eat it... *so pessimistic*

Hai... challenge................


Tahiyyah M. said...

How abt rice porridge? With a bit of chicken and broccoli, then you blend it. My kids always loved it when they were babies!

anne said...

Hey thanks! Yup, she's been taking rice porridge all this while till lately when she fell sick. So, I stopped for a few days as she rejected it. But started feeding her with porridge again last Sun. Her appetite is back! Thank God!