Wednesday, February 25, 2009

No teeth still?? Part 2

Hehehe.... I see something in there....!

Yup! I'm seeing sign of teething! Leia's first tooth is struggling to pierce through her toughen gum. Counted. 1/4 tooth is out. Meaning, the first one is not totally out yet. But, it's ok. I can heave a sigh of relief now...hai..... :)

Hubby's right. We've not heard of cases of toothless child, right? And I'm pretty sure Leia will not place her name in Guinness World Records...if you know what I mean....

Nevertheless, I can't wait to visit her doctor this coming Thursday. Counting down!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

One more day to go...

Though I'm loving it..!, but I'm also looking forward to a beauty sleep - desperately. It feels like my whole body system is going to give up on me anytime soon unless I give it a deserving rest.

As I write now, I have just had tightening of muscle near my right chest. Ouch! My eyes are heavy and my right wrist aches due to sitting extremely long in front of my laptop. I know... these are signs that I need to rest... but this will be the lastnight. Hang on there, "boddy".

It's been 4 nights in a row now that I've been sleeping around 2-4am. Just couldn't take a rest when I still have more to work on the training materials at the back of my head. Luckily, I have hubby and pa-in-law to look after Leia while I stare at this feelingless, square, "intelligent" box everynight. Leia has been behaving quite well and went to bed early. Thank God...

Despite feeling delighted to be the chosen as the trainer for workplace communication course for our Penang State Secretariat employees, I was a bit disheartened to discover that the existing training materials could actually be placed in the museum as artifacts! And that discovery was on last Thursday. And the training was scheduled on the following Monday till Wednesday! How would you feel if you were in my shoes??

Well, I almost exploded! In fact, I felt more amused than disappointed. As a consolation to me, there was basically coming to zero expectations from the organiser. So, I could have chosen to stick to the old materials and don't have to improvise them at all. But my conscience told me otherwise. So, here I am now... still struggling to complete the final piece of tomorrow's materials.

Ok, gotta get back to work after whining it all out to all of you...!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Maid chapter

I have not shared this concern before in my blog. But I think I'll share now. Anxiety has been the key feeling of mine for the last few days. Not surprising especially when it concerns this matter, don't you think so?

Hmmm, where shall I start? Well, let's just put it this way - the need of having a maid to run the household with this semi-efficient wife cum mommy has cropped up again. In fact, hubby and I are giving it a very serious thought about having one now. It is with the hope that both of us will be released from doing the petty housework (which needs to be done on a regular basis in order to have a healthy home environment) and focus on other more important matters like spending quality time with Leia, spending more time with just the two of us, working on our investment matters, getting more sleep, having more time for leisure activities, etc, etc.

Yeah, very ironic situation, I know. Here I am quitting my high paid job for a not-so high paid job so that I can have more time for the family... and yet this yours truly still fail to keep the house in tip top condition. It's to the extent that we need to resort to a maid...??? Mind-boggling, isn't it?

Having a maid will cost us a total average of RM650-800 per month! Not a small sum, indeed. Plus all the maid horror stories that we're hearing everyday, it seems like a unwise move. But.... but....but if we do the mathematics right which is to include all the intangible costs (plus benefits) incurred, we should still be able to afford one.

When we have one, we won't have to send Leia to my aunty's place (her baby-sitter) on everyday basis. Leia can stay at home with my pa-in-law and maid for a few weekdays and the rest of the weekdays with my aunt. With that sort of arrangement, we would save some on car petrol, energy and equally important - time which then translates into expenditure for maid's salary. We can then cut down on unnecessary stress gained from getting caught in traffic jams everyday.

Then, I would have more time in brushing up my cooking skills too! Hahaha...let's see.

No teeth still??

Ok, ok, ok...there I go again... getting all paranoid with Leia's teething issue. Just great! I just got a weekly baby update from one of the baby's website that I subscribed to - this afternoon... And guess what I've been informed..?

If your child still doesn't have any teeth by 15 to 18 months, schedule a visit with a pediatric dentist

Haha! See, I knew something is not alright...! Leia's 14 months old now. Pretty close to the age range given above, don't you think?

Ok, should I get panic now? Her next regular medical check-up is in next 2 weeks time. So, I think I'll stay sane till that d-day (she'll turn 15 then!) and interrogate the doctor!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Leia's milestones

Physical development
Yay!! She could walk on her own d! She took her first successful independant step just right a day before Chinese New Year (that is 25th Jan, right?). Hooray! You bet, she's everywhere now. Good for this mommy. No more excuses to run along!

And now she's into going up and down the steps. Don't ever let her catch the sight of steps. She'll either run towards it on her own or drag us along. And then be prepared for non-stop "exercising" for the next 10-20 mins.... "Up!" and "down!"

And you better believe it.... yup, no sign of teeth yet. How old is she now? 14 months... What?? Yeah, yeah, yeah... you are not the first person to emphatise and say nice things to, "it's good to sprout teeth late. Then her teeth won't spoil so soon...., etc, etc"

Well, many doctors and baby websites have said that it's normal... Ok, then it's normal. Not going to worry about it. * yeah, right!* You know, each time Leia developed fever, the common prediction was "oh, perhaps her teeth are coming out..." Well, they were false alarms alright. My heart has just decided to stop guessing... Well, the teeth will come out when it's time, I guess. Have faith!

She's at her peak right now, I think. She's learning words and memorizes the relation between a picture and word very fast. At times, all we need is to tell her one time and she remembers.

Some of the words that she has been using frequently;
Ah mie (mommy)
Ah pa/ Papa (daddy)
Ah kong (grandpa)
Ah ma (grandma)
Koh koh (brother)
Ah ku (uncle)
Bb... (baby)
phak! (beat you!)
mai (no)
ai (i want/ yes)
woh woh (dog)
yugh.... yugh... (hot)
mam mam/ eat

she can recognise;
sponge bob (her favourite bolster cum soft toy)
thermos (her porridge container)
giraffe (her assisted walking toy)
etc, etc

Oh yeah, she loves to "dance"! Play any kind of music, she'll happily shake her body for you, be it in standing or sitting position. So, this could be our life saviour when it comes to handling her tantrum throwing moments.

Oh, it's so true that babies grow up so fast. It's simply amazing to see a toddler who's just been living in this world for merely a year could handle so much in a day!

It's miracle!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Happy New Year!

Yes, I'm finally back online... Wow, it's been a month since I last put up a post. How time flies!

Oh, by the way, Happy New Year all!

No, I was not in hiatus. In fact, I was drowned with many new expectations as I have just started teaching in university. Yeah... back in the workforce but with different personal expectations and goals.

It's a different ball game altogether. But I'm happy and my family is happy.

I'm feeling at peace...