Thursday, November 27, 2008
It's the RIGHT choice!
Despite telling myself to pack up my stuff many days ago, I finally took the time to do it this morning. Well, I have no choice, haven't I? Nothing much to pack - just 3 medium size carton boxes. Mostly my training files, docs and books. And food... I snapped a few pictures of my room. Just as remembrance. Was thinking of sharing them here. But can't do it now. My old desktop with different photo editing software - Nero Photosnap is giving me problems!! It doesn't help that I'm a non-IT savvy person!
My team organised a farewell lunch for me at KFC in Giant Hypermarket, Bayan Baru. Near to my office and easy parking. As usual, I had great fun by simply watching their funny antics and listening to their jokes. Oh, I wish I can share here those photos that we took there now! But nevermind... will do so once I fixed this photo editing issue. The current photo sizes are too huge to be uploaded. Sigh... Patient...
Another incident on D-day worth mentioning. I was one of the few staff in the country that encountered server access issue the whole day today! Just great! I had not completed clearing up my emails and this had to happen just on the day I'm leaving the company! At that moment of discovery, I thought I could hear a soft whisper in my ear, "Served you right... You should have known that this is the consequence of doing things at the last minute..." When will I ever learn??!! So, no choice. I was forced to have 2 PCs right in front of my face to perform multi-tasking. My laptop to work on offline stuff and an old desktop to work online.
Hmmm... all of the "rojak" (mixture) feelings I had today, it was the feeling of happiness and sense of freedom that over-shadowed the rest. Towards the last 1 hour of my career in this company, I felt as if I was floating in the air. Wide smile on my face... I felt liberated!
There's no doubt - I have made the RIGHT choice!
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Cultural Treasures: Zhuazhou

It's about letting your baby choose an item from the display in front of her. Whichever first item selected determines her future inclination and capabilities. Sounds fun, right...?
My friend shared with me that she has selected a pencil and ruler when she was 1 year old and today, she's in academic line! Amazing! I've never heard of this tradition before. None of my old relatives ever mentioned about it.
For those of us who are not superstitious, I find it's still a fun game to play with our babies on their first birthday. I will certainly let Leia play this "game" on her birthday.
In this little small way, we can help to keep the tradition and custom alive too! Read about it more here!
P/S: I wonder what item would I have selected if I was given a chance to participate in this ceremony when I was 1 year old.... Looking at my career journey so far....hmmm, I would have selected several different items! Pencil... phone... sweets... radio cassette... a dollar bill...
To have or not to have?
Well, it's not that important really, I think. She's too young to know anything and to enjoy the company. But on the other hand, it would be nice to have one as certain close relatives and friends are expecting it. You see, we didn't organise her a full moon birthday celebration when she reached 1 month old earlier. If we were to follow the Chinese tradition strictly, it's a must-have occasion. The traditional Chinese will distribute a full moon food set as a gift to relatives and friends to herald the new addition to the family. This is also to thank them and show appreciation to those who joined in this special occasion one way or another. For those of you who do not know what I'm talking about, here is the picture of the gift set.

So, this time around.... should we or should we not? It's just around the corner and we are still contemplating! "Biasalah" (getting used to it in Malay)... It gives us that andrenalin rush perhaps...? Errr... on a second thought, I think my hubby would probably regard it as blood pressure killer!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Leia is on Youtube!
Have just uploaded 2 videos there. One of them is displayed on the top right side of this blog. Do check it out in for the other video. Use keyword "annelimyp" to search.
Happy watching!!
Halal Certification (Part 2)
Monday, November 24, 2008
May I borrow your tricycle?
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Outsource it!
This hourly maid home cleaning service has such great demand in Penang. I can expect the answer given by the agencies, "sorry but fully-booked" if I were to attempt to place booking for such service at the eleventh hour - a day before. They are not that pricey - I'd like to think. RM40 for 4 hours...
Frankly speaking, I have never thought that I would be one of those people who hire maids to clean houses. Being a person who cannot stand the sight of unsatisfactory cleaning job - stains that didn't come off after the job done just irks me. So, I would rather do it myself eventhough it means that I can expect an aching back and sore fingers later the day.
I still remember that one particular evening. I was 9 months pregnant. I assigned myself to cleaning up the living hall and the garden while my hubby took on other roles. It's been few days since we last swept the car porch and the garden. So, dried leaves and our dog's hair were everywhere! So, this "Madam Superclean" was very determined to do a great job. I made sure that all corners were swept and cleaned in whatever possible ways I could think of. So without a doubt, I was very satisfied with the end result...
Only to be waken up the next morning with terrible pain near my womb. I couldn't bend down and had difficulty walking. Doctor said I had over-stressed myself and thus, I was given 2 days rest. Thank God baby was alright.
Now that with this baby Leia around, I realise even more the importance of having enough time to spend with my family, what more quality time. So, as much as I would like to continue to have super-clean house throughout the year, I guess this needs to be compromised. "Outsource" it to a maid agency and let them do the "dirty" and time-consuming work while I spend quality time with Leia and hubby.
As for the stains, I'll close one eye...
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Hmmm... I have yet to pack my things. It has been the usual day-to-day work till now. Meeting customers, replying emails, managing service KPIs (key performance index), solving issues, staff counselling, etc... etc. I have done my official hand-over. So, I guess it's just time to clear up the final pieces and pack my stuff.
I looked around my office room. What will I leave behind? What sort of impact have I made to the company and my team? It's been more than 2 years since I joined this company. My third official company after my graduation. I served the longest in my second company - Maersk Line. It was more than 5 years. If it was not for our decision to settle down in my hometown after our wedding, I would have probably still working in Maersk.
My hubby found it absurd to feel sentimental about a company - an abstract with buildings, equipments and people. But I choose to defer in opinion. It is like my second home with real people living in it. Those fond and not-so fond memories that we accumulated in our years of service. How can we just erase them and not have any feeling towards it?
I have the tendency to call everything and everyone that I associate with the word, "my" or "our". My "Maersk", our "Ceva", my "Karen", our "Heng".... Crazy you may call me but that's how strong a bond I can build for something/ relationship over time...
Food experiment - Fried anchovies
It's very simple. Just sprinkle a pinch of the anchovies powder onto her porridge at every mealtime.
Prior to this, I have used different method to include anchovies (a good source of iron) into her food. I boiled them overnight in a pot of water. Then the next morning, drain them and put in the rest of other ingredients like rice, potato, carrot, spinach and meat into the slow cooker to cook.
I have heard of mommies who fry and then blend anchovies but never really wanted to try it earlier for 1. i do not know how 2. she was loving her porridge the way it was cooked then
But when she started refusing her food lately, I have to start thinking again of ways to get her to eat "enough". So, decided to give it a try - though still not knowing how. Take a look at how I have "produced" it;
Before I can blend them, I need to sieve them first. Separating the carbon and broken pieces from the well-done ones. Then, blend.
1 area of improvement for me : Stir fry under low fire... Ok, ok, will improve next time!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
More Penang factories taking steps to cushion the economic turmoil impact
Flextronics 4 days week for Month Nov and Dec.
Spansion force to take leave (5 days in this quarter)
Jabil planned shut down from Dec 24 to Jan 4, will be 6 days leave.
Agilent planned shut down from Dec 24 to Jan 4, will be 6 days leave.
Jan09 might have another shutdown. No increment 2008 review.
Avago no plan shutdown as no more in house production, hiring freeze.
ASE shut down every fortnightly on Monday starting from Nov 3.
Fairchild planned 'Mass Vacation' for 9 days leave in FY08
INTEL - No increment 2008 review, VSS for those under perform and
massive cut cost/travel 2009, no shutdown plan yet
Motorola, Penang- Still hiring+profit, suspect got government 'look after',
Siltera, kulim - Propose close down this Malaysian 1st Fab company, loss RM4billion in 2008
SENSATA Plant shutdown from 22 DEC 2008 to 02 JAN 2009; NO increment in 2009;
NO Profit Sharing in 2009!
What about the company you're working with? What action plans have been announced? For those who are self-employed, what's your plan? For full-time mommies, what are you doing to help to cushion the impact on your family? Or there's no need to worry at all?
Well as for myself, I always believe in the philosophy that "Tough times create more winners"!
Halal Certification
Again, my openness to share with him my intention and plan of promoting this food product received another positive feedback. Once again, the man was kind enough to give me some biz penetration advise. Major concern when it comes to food biz is the Halal certification. To reach out to those food operators which cater to Muslim customers, it is necessary to have this certification, though none of the ingredients used are considered non-Halal.
What is "Halal" by the way? As a non-Muslim, I have never really paid attention to this matter. As long as our eating place together with our Muslim friends are Muslim-owned, then we are safe. But now that I'm in the food biz where Halal certification is a much-needed requirement in our country, it opened up my eyes to this whole aspect.
Take a look at the Halal defination I found in our Halal Industry Development Corporation website:
a) Neither is nor consist of or contains any part or matter of an animal that a Muslim is prohibited by Hukum Syarak to consume or that has not been slaughtered in accordance with Hukum Syarak.
b) Does not contain anything which is considered to be impure according to Hukum Syarak.
c) Has not been prepared, processed or manufactured using instrument that was not free from anything impure according to Hukum Syarak; and
d) has not in the course of preparation, processing or storage been in contact with or close proximity to any food that fails to satisfy paragraph (a) (b) or (c) or anything that is considered to be impure according to Hukum Syarak.
Still not clear? Me either! It helps to get a clearer idea if we start talking to those experienced biz owners, not minus-ing the need to talk the authority directly. So, you know where I'm heading to next!So, what is the procedure to apply for one? The Penang State Government website provides a pretty clear guideline. But it is certainly better for first-timers like yours truly to drop by at the Penang State Department of Islam to find out more...
Who says operating food biz is easy?!
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Hair cut!
So, I finally decided to give her a haircut after her lunch last Saturday. Covered her with her "lampin" (cloth diaper in Malay) and clipped it with a cloth peg on her back to keep it in place.
A tiny scissors was in my hand when her "papa" came back from work. Looking at his adorable baby sitting in her high chair all ready, he offered to be the hairstylist of the day!
As soon as papa combed her fringe with his fingers, she screamed, yelled and resisted his action.
So, we tried many ways to make it a not-so-bad experience for her. That included giving her things to keep her occupied and talked to her.
Anyway, that was not her first time. Perhaps, it was a bit too hot that day. There was no fan nearby and she was covered half top body with the cloth. Yeah, what a bad location I've chosen...
Lots of hair was cut, almost an inch in length. Didn't have the time to snap the "after" haircut shot. She had "poo"ed! Do check out her new hairstyle in coming posts.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
New found toy
So, how did I do all that? I find strapping her down in her high chair works well. She wouldn't have a chance to get up. Unlike in kopitiams (coffee shops) where most of the high chair strap buckles were spoilt. Thus, she's let free most of the time. Then, I stuck a balloon that we got from the government agencies roadshow in Queensbay Shopping Mall recently on her high chair. Well, it has shrunk in size since it has been more than 2 weeks we got it. So, it became more baby-friendly. Leia was happy that she could pinch and squeeze the balloon much easily now.
Yeah, pinched and squeezed the balloon until it popped! Burst. Instead of crying for losing a toy to play with, the rubber remains of the burst balloon became a new toy to her!
So, the rule of thumb to a successful feeding - keep the girl entertained!
Almost ready to walk
However, last night as I was busy making her fried anchovies in the kitchen... she "did it" on her own! Not exactly actually. She held on to her walker. But that's a good start nevertheless. I was very excited for her. I clapped hands and gave her words of encouragement. She turned and smiled at me and walked a few more steps before she stopped and crawled to her "papa". Didn't make it for some photo shots.
But later, again she went back to her walker and pulled herself up.
She didn't "walk" the second time though...
Feeding time...
We can't expect our babies at this age to sit still for long to "makan" ("eat" in Malay) her meal. Their curiosity to explore will make them feel bored easily. The same applies to Leia. So, after a while we have to be creative of how to keep her amused.
Okay, "ah mah" ("grandma" in Hokkien) said we had to move to another place to feed her. Sitting at one place for too long can make her feel restless and thus, more difficult to complete the feeding mission. So, we moved to the tv hall. "Ah mah" and I switched roles. I became the person who plays with her.
Alas, she didn't finish her "moi" ("porridege" in Hokkien). She insisted that she wanted to play then. No problem... but we should change her dirty clothes first.
I was crossing my fingers while her putting her own her car seat that she will behave this time in our journey home. However, my relief was short-lived when half the distance, she started again - crying and throwing her tantrum. And we were caught in the Friday traffic jam. Just great!
Friday, November 14, 2008
And I tell you... her cry is unbelievably loud. It is the type of cry you'll let out when in pain. A long moment of silence before wwwwwwuuuuuuuuuuuaaaaaaaaaaaa........!!!!!!!! And the pattern repeats until a person picks her up! That means, if no one picks her up for the last 5 minutes, then she would have cried for the last 5 minutes. So, to end her crying, we'll just have to pick her up. Almost instantaneously, her crying will stop. Please tell me - what do you understand about this type of crying? Could it be any other reasons besides using this tactic to get things done her way?
It's driving everyone who care for her going crazy! Tonight itself, she has had her series of loud crying within 5-15 minutes gap. For example:
1. Sat her on my aunty's lap, she cried. Aunty had no choice but to stand up again and walked and then she would stop crying.
2. She was playing happily with bunch of keys in her hand but as soon as I passed by, she went into hysterical crying and kicked her legs.
3. Sat her on the car seat (going back home from my aunty's place) and smiled at her, she started to cry.
4. Dropped by at my mom's place to pick up some stuff. The maid said "hi" to her and she smiled so sweetly. But as soon as the maid disappeared from her sight, she screamed!
5. So, along our journey back home which took around 15 minutes - she cried non-stop. Tried to let her suck her pacifier - only ended up making situation worse. She cried even louder and pushed it away.
As soon as I took her out from her car seat, she stopped crying. And started communicating. Pointing her finger at our dog and blurted out "whou whou" sound. As soon as we entered the house, she pointed at the fan, the hanging paper lantern, the spoon that fell on the floor....
Does it sound like what a spoilt child would do? Or am I missing something here?
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Ever since she was born, I have taken her to a government clinic for her periodic check-up and the scheduled vaccinations. Even if she falls ill, my trust is in the government doctors. After the horrible experience we had to go through when she first had a fever a months back with a private doctor, we have basically decided that medical assistance from government doctors will be our first choice from then onwards.
Call me bias but in my personal opinion, the chances of receiving sincere service is greater when monetary reward is not the main objective. This applies to many other aspects in life.
Anyway, back to Leia's vaccination schedule. She will be receiving her MMR (measles, mumps and rubella vaccines). Other optional vaccines which are made available in private hospitals for this age are chicken pox vaccine and pneumococcal C vaccine. Here is the attached link to Malaysia mandatory and recommended vaccination schedule for our children.
Our children have to be free from illnesses during the vaccination period. This is to ensure that they'll be better able to handle the vaccination when they are healthy.
It was unfortunate that I couldn't send Leia for the optional ones like Rotavirus and Pneumococcal vaccines earlier as she was not well when the right time came. Now that she's more than 8 months old, she no longer needs Rotavirus vaccine because there's not enough evidence to show how well it works in older babies. Thank God she passed the testing time!
As for Pneumococcal vaccine, I can still get her vaccinated. According to the expert, for children aged 12 to 23 months, two doses should be administered at least two months apart.
Will seek the doctor's advise when I send her for MMR vaccination this coming 1st Dec...
Business ideas
Yup, I've jotted them down in my list.
And last weekend in my friend's wedding, another good friend who has built her many millions ringgit on her own effort gave me valuable business tips too.
Great! I gain new ideas, experiences and knowledge everyday! Thank God for these great people whom have been so supportive :)
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Instead of having candlelight dinner with my other half, we had to do a quick one at a coffeeshop near our house - our usual dinner place. How boring, isn't it? Furthermore, with Leia tagging along almost everywhere...hmmm, not too sure how the candlelight dinner would turn out to be if it were to happen. Probably... instead of holding hands and looking into each other eyes, pledging our marrige vows once again, we'll need to hold Leia's arms and legs and demand her not to get up from her high chair!
Hai...but we managed to steal some time before sleep (yup, Leia was asleep by then) to watch again our wedding day video. Hahaha... a tradition that I initiated on last year anniversary. I personally like it, though my hubby finds it a bit too draggy - it's more than 3 hours video! It reminded us of a lot of the silly things that we did. Ie: the "chi mui" (Cantonese word for bride's "sisters") time where the groom and his men got bullied. They were asked to do many silly and funny acts before they were allowed into the house to get the bride. Also, few clips of my dearest mom having a great time at the wedding dinner - she was the star among the crowd with her "interesting" antics and her let-it-go cha cha dance! Hahaha, for those of you who were there, I'm sure you know what I'm talking about...
The video-watching brought back many fond memories of the meaningful events that both my hubby and I shared together. The church wedding ceremony particularly was the most important event of the day for the both of us. It was where we both took our vows of marriage - "to love and care and honour each other till death do us part..."
2 years passed now and we're very grateful that God has never forsaken us and He has blessed us with this beautiful bundle of joy.
Praise the Lord for all plans that He has for us. He is with us all the time!
Our Father in heaven,
Holy be your name,
Your kingdom come,
Your will be done,
On earth as well as in heaven,
Give us this day our daily bread,
Forgive us our sins,
As we forgive those who sin against us,
Do not bring us to the test,
But deliver us from evil
For the kingdom, the glory and the power
Are yours,
Now and Forever.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Registration of business
Hooray! I registered a business name for my family food product last Friday at Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia (Companies Commission of Malaysia) located in Seberang Jaya, Penang! It's called Treelah Gourmet Enterprise. Strange name but I have my long-term plan why it's named such. Haha.
The registration process was simple and quite hassle-free. The officers were friendly and very helpful. The signboard says that the process will take approximately 1-2 hours but I was done in less than an hour. And that includes getting the form from the office, filling up the form, lining up to wait for my turn to meet with Customer Service office to search the availability of my business name proposed, filling up the confirmed business name by another officer, lining up to take a number for payment, waiting time, paying the registration fee, waiting time and collecting my business registration certificate.
For now, I registered it under Sole Proprietorship. And it only cost me RM70 per annum!
So, want to start your own business and get it registered too?
How many teeth does Leia have?
She's going to be 1 year old by this end month and yet... "takda" (Malay word for none). I can see her bottom 2 middle teeth showing in her gum already. In fact, they have been there for a few months now and yet still not willing to come out!
Everyone have been asking and some couldn't comprehend why. Some had having negative thoughts in their heads. Abnormal baby? Of course, not! According to experts, baby's milestones vary from one individual to the other. Some babies could have their teeth sprouting out as early as 3-4 months. Some late bloomers will insist that it will only happen pass their 1 year old. I guess Leia will join the latter group.
The older generations from the Hokkien clan even have their own version of baby's milestones. It goes like this;
Chit chieh (7 - sit)
Peihk peh (8 - crawl)
Kow huat geh (9 - sprout teeth)
* 7, 8, and 9 refers to specific month
So, obviously Leia is out of the league. Hahaha... well, nothing much can be done. Just have to wait and see. Look at the bright side. I don't have to start worrying still about how to care for her gums and emerging teeth, the best way to brush her teeth, when to take her to the dentist, which brand has babies best toothbrush technology, etc, etc...
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Horror story
As soon as she saw me, she hurriedly leaned her body forward - expecting me to hold her. Oh, what a nice feeling to hold her in my arms once again. Indeed, absence makes the heart grow fonder...
It has not been a comfortable experience for Leia. (As usual, this overly worried mom called aunty everyday from outstation to check on her.) On her first night alone there, she couldn't put herself to sleep. Though aunty tried her best to follow my advise of what to do whenever Leia show any of the 3 signs (as per my earlier post), she resisted and slept only at 11pm (way over her usual bedtime which is around 9 plus). Only to wake up again around 1 plus and kicked up a big fuss. She was wailing and struggling and kept on pointing finger towards the door. It was as if she was asking to take her home. My aunty struggled to put her back to sleep. Her incessant crying woke up my grandma too and she helped to manage her but without much success. It was almost 3 in the morning, when she stopped crying and by then, my cousin has woken up from her slumber too and chipped in to help. Out of desperation, my grandma dialled 911 for help. Eh no-lah. She dialled my parents' home number.
My mom and dad came rushing to check on her. Leia then followed them home. Luckily, after feeding her with milk, she finally dozed off on my parents' bed. So, my dad was kicked out of the room and has to make do with sleeping upright on the sofa...
Leia's second night was a bit better. Though she slept past 11pm, she didn't wake up middle of the night this time. What a great relief for my aunty and the whole family. And a great relief to me too knowing that Leia was feeling a bit better and getting enough rest.
There are many contributing factors as to why she has behaved such;
1. Changed of place
2. Separation anxiety
3. My aunty's place is hot - she's developing rashes again which lead to greater discomfort
4. Over-stimulation through play and stress
Even during the day, nothing that my aunt did pleased her. It took 4 people to feed her - my aunty held the spoon, my grandma sat at the side to make sure she sits still all the time and my little cousin brothers entertained her by playing with her.
When my aunty put her in her cot, she made a fuss. She "cried" (minus the tears). Took her out from her cot, she cried again. Gave her favourite toys, she pushed them away. My aunty almost went bonkers, I think.
I'm glad that she is now back at home now. She slept like a sleeping beauty lastnight. And that was at 9 plus. Nothing out of ordinary behaviours shown. Back to her routine....
Oh Leia, I'm so sorry that I have put you through all these. I think I better find better solutions fast!
Friday, November 7, 2008
Watch out, supermarts... (Part 2)
He gave me a lot of insight into this retail biz and few tips on how I can penetrate into this market deeper.
As soon as I get the re-packaging done, he will proceed with the necessary arrangement. Not difficult to fulfill. So, you bet that I immediately called up several people to get it executed.
Now that I have started the ball rolling, I better complete my solid business plan fast...!
I'll write more on how it all began in my separate blog. Will advise once available k!
p/s: My hubby always like to tease me, "So, 1001 things to do mom - what are you up to now?"
Thursday, November 6, 2008
"No, Leia... you're not going home tonight..."
Since she will be sleeping there for the next 3 nights, I brought her favourite "going-to-bed" toys for her - Sponge Bob and counting book.
Oh, missing her already... As soon as her papa picked her up, she started waving "bye-bye" to my aunty and grandma. "No, Leia... you're not going home tonight...", I told her. :(
We spent some time playing with her before I put her to sleep.