Wednesday, December 17, 2008

The cursed endless list

I've been wanting to write these 2 days but... there were simply so many distractions that came along.

How have I been doing? How is Leia? What am I up to right now? How is Leia progressing? Hmmm... many things to share but....

Having 1001 things in mind to do is not exactly a healthy state of mind I should be in at all time. It's neither impressive to begin with. But why do I have this endless list in my thought all the time? Do you know why? I think I know the answer but I guess I have not settled with one great solution.

There are just 24 hours a day in our lives. Well, it rings truth that we can't possibly do everything that we want without prioritising them wisely. Am I setting my priorities right? If I do, why am I feeling so disillusioned? One part of me is insisting that I "slow down" in work related matter so that I can focus more on Leia.... and the other part of me is not allowing me to let go... Oh, I'm tired of pleasing both... the inner voices. Oh, what about the outer voices - the surrounding voices by the loved ones, friends...

Dear God, what about yours?


Tahiyyah M. said...

This must be the dilemma of a work-at-home-mom.. !! Not easy eh! Try reading more of those WAHM articles to be more focus. Good luck. Mine will come next month or so.

anne said...

Yeah, certainly not easy. It's a drastic change, really.

I just hope that this emotional roller-coaster will be over soon. But it will not go away just like that without having me to give it a thorough thought and reflection...