Sunday, December 28, 2008

First Christmas

One person asked me in one of the Christmas parties, "Is this her first Christmas?" Well, technically "no" as she was born on Nov 30 2007. Rightfully, it should be her 2nd Christmas this year. But I'd like to think it as her first since we didn't celebrate one last year.

Why didn't we celebrate? You see... her papa (that's my hubby) was down with chicken pox when she was just 2 weeks old. So, we had no choice but to be separated. There I was with Leia in my parents' place while my hubby was quarantined in upstairs room of our house.

It was a sad moment for me. I missed being by my hubby's side on this special season. What more then that a newborn has just joined our family...

So, this year is Leia's "first" Christmas. We chose to celebrate it in a simple manner. What is important is that we're celebrating it together as a family...

"Open the presents, girls...."

Singing session

Spilled the drinking water all over her dress