Wednesday, October 15, 2008

I finally get my hands on my first blog "career"!

Yes, I have finally made time to create this blog - an important task which I've been putting on hold for so long...

As a first-time parent, I nevertheless have faced and am still facing the untested ups and downs of parenting. The nerve-wrecking experience when my Baby Leia was found down with jaundice - just 1 day after she has been brought home from the hospital. Then the hospital nurses announced that she contracted oral thrush the next few days. Then, constipation followed... inconsolable crying... latenight sleep, challenging breastfeeding experiences... bla...bla...bla... I really wished then that I have very strong support around me to go through those difficult times.

Now that Leia is a bit older (she's 10 months now) , her behaviours become more predictable and understandable. Well, it takes a lot of patience and hands-on experience. And I'm glad I have been able to do that despite my demanding corporate job...thanks to my supportive hubby - a very hands-on dad too.

So, here I am now. Putting up a mom's blog with the intention to share, discuss and learn from other mothers the tips of parenting. It is a also a good mean of communication with all my loved ones, relatives and friends to keeping them updated on the happenings in the Heah's family, especially Leia's progress.

I look forward to having an active interaction here with all of you who takes the time to read and follow my blog :)