Friday, July 10, 2009

Purpose in life

This must be the best year ever in my life! I'm able to focus on my family-building, particularly. Also, I'm enjoying my new working life, qetting acquainted once more with my old school buddies and many others through Facebook and indulging into new hobbies like cooking, baking and recycling. All at one go! My house, my home has never been much a better place to live than now!

I never thought that letting go that once prized job could open up so many new opportunities to me... But it was not easy to let go. It took me about a year to discern and finally took that leap of faith. I'll never forget that one very important person who made me realised the need to walk the talk. That is, to put important things in my life FIRST. It's always been easy to announce to the world that 'my family comes first' but it's always been a struggle to many families or parents like me to really put that into action. If we do indeed give it a real serious thought, it's not that difficult to see that it's almost contradicting to believe that our family comes first when most of the time we're engaged in office or other activities around the clock.

Really, God has been good. Now I understand the purpose of God placing those not-so-comfortable situations in my life 1-2 years ago. Yes, it is good!

My papa's 61st birthday celebration May this year.