Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Leia had a rather terrible fall this morning. As both hubby and I were busy getting ready for work, Leia ran across the dining hall and tripped. Her head knocked the edge of the fridge and in and instant, we heard a loud scream....!
It must have been the worst fall she had so far. Well, I could sort of guessed it coz her cry was unstoppable and the bruise was swelling so quickly.

Still not happy... Ouch, my forehead...

It took us almost 15 minutes to console and assure her that it was alright then. Usually, her cry will immediately stop once we pick her up if the fall is minor. Poor baby...


Bart said...

Ouch! What a nasty "castle". What to do... bumps on the head are a toddler's trademark :o( Hope it subsides soon.

siauyuen said...

give her an ice pack to stop from internal bleeding.....right after the hit/fall.
the next day, then use warm cloth to reduce the clot.