Monday, February 2, 2009

Happy New Year!

Yes, I'm finally back online... Wow, it's been a month since I last put up a post. How time flies!

Oh, by the way, Happy New Year all!

No, I was not in hiatus. In fact, I was drowned with many new expectations as I have just started teaching in university. Yeah... back in the workforce but with different personal expectations and goals.

It's a different ball game altogether. But I'm happy and my family is happy.

I'm feeling at peace...


Tahiyyah M. said...

I was wondering where you were. You are teaching? Wow! Good for you! How did that happen? Whatever it is, I'm happy for you. Do what you think is right and works for you. I wish you all the best. Hope it's not too late to wish you Gong Xi Fa Cai!

anne said...

hi hi! thanks a lot for your encouragement and understanding. truly appreciate it.

i shared with a close friend who happens to be working in the university about my recent situation. she insisted that her dean talk to me. so, after going thru all the rigid interview protocols, i was offered the job. it certainly offers much more flexibility of time and the right work environment which i needed most right now....

We gotta believe that God always has His plans for us... :)

Anonymous said...

I really like all of the ideas you have on this page! My son (who's almost 2) has a lot of fun with them! Thanks.