Sunday, May 24, 2020

The Birth of Luke

This post was saved as draft since year 2011. Don't know why I didn't manage to post it earlier. Anyway, posting it now... 9 years later. :)

Yes, the much awaited time finally arrived! My second child, Luke was born on 9 March 2011 at 4.37am.

Today is his 8th day on earth and thankfully, everything's under much control. Quite a calm and easy to manage baby. Doesn't kick up a fuss unless his hunger needs not being fulfilled. Other than that, he's happily lying down on the bed on his own (for a while), observing his surrounding. A cuddle/rock would be a bonus for him if he can't fall asleep after drinking his milk...

I'm recovering well gradually. Very grateful for all the support given to me. Mom - with her ever loving and tender care to cook and make sure that I'm properly nourished and taken care of during this one-month confinement. Yes, mom's the best!